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Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention

已有 1776 次阅读2014-2-10 19:20 |个人分类:PSVITA| Disgaea, Video, Game, PSVITA, PSVita

A Port of the Original Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice from the PS3 to the PSVita.

Absence of Detention contains all PS3 DLC that was released on Justice, So basically its the same game, But for a smaller console.
Currently Played it for 12 hours, and I am already hooked on Leveling up my character (Mao and Almaz) The Demon Overlords Son and the Hero.
I am also hooked on leveling up my demon slaves. Though Unlocking Human and monster classes still eludes me.

The Story is pretty funny from what I can tell but the real fun is in the stacking of Character levels, and Item levels. Making your Character Lvl 9999.

The Game is a strategy RPG. so if you played advance wars on the Gameboy, its the same but with RPG elements.
The System it has implace is pretty addictive. Since you can enter many different worlds and randomly generated maps, Which have added difficulty depending on the colour of the squares.
As each colour may or may not have a stat boost or reducer. So you have to plan how you place your characters or you could end up losing your strongest on a Deathblow square.

Anyone if you've not played the game I would recommend it.


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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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